So tonight we say good-by to 2006, with all its good and bad moments, and look forward to a brand spanking new year. I want to wish everyone health and prosperity in 2007. We've all worked very hard this past year, and I think we deserve to be handsomely rewarded, don't you?
From the postings I've seen around, it looks like you all had great Christmases, even if some of you suffered from Santa Claus saturation (Tink!). I've been thinking about my holiday, and I must say I had a really nice and quiet one. It was just my mom and me, for the first time without my dad. There was a bittersweetness to the day, as I found myself missing him at the oddest moments. But we raised a glass to him at dinner, and listened to some of his favorite Bill Cosby CDs in his memory. I think he would have been pleased...
...but this post isn't meant to be totally sad...
I was also thinking about all the LITTLE things that make a holiday and its traditions so special. One of my favorites is something my mom started years ago - so long ago I can't remember when. Anyway, she started writing clues on our gift cards that would give hints as to the packages contents. Some of them are very simple, such as the "Ah sew!" on my little portable Janome sewing machine this year (which I should mention is a Hello Kitty machine! One of my favorites!). Some are more complicated, such as, "Santa says looks as though things are going to 'pot' this Christmas." That was for my new Faberware stock pot. Then there's "By the pricking of my thumbs, something purple this way comes. (Sorry Will)," on my purple leather gloves. I find I look forward to reading the tags and then trying to guess what's in the package as much as I look forward to actually opening the present!
Then...we ALL started getting into the act in our family! Now every present we exchange comes with a little hint. If there isn't a hint, it just wouldn't seem right. Sometimes, when I'm running behind on my package-wrapping, it means I have to do all my tags at the last minute, and coming up with something clever can be quite the challenge. But I wouldn't have it any other way! My best work this Christmas? The tag said, "Ah, the tales I will spin for you...cherchez l'enfant, alert the Secret Service, suspect everyone, but do it all in the pink!"
I'm not going to tell you what was in the package though - YOU have to leave a comment and make a guess!!
Meanwhile, I wish all the wonderful bloggy friends I've made this past year a very Happy New Year! I'll see you soon, and hopefully more often, in 2007.
Happy New Year!
What a cute/clever tradition! The only one we have is finding the "pickle" in the tree on Christmas morning. It's some kind of German tradition? The person who finds it gets a special gift... Usually chocolate. That's enough incentive for me. :)
ok I'm taking a guess...I think it's a book since you are spinning "Tales", and hummm maybe a girly book of some sort since you mentioned pink??
I think your blog is collecting dust... Are you ever posting again? *Sniffle*
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