Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Down...But Not Out

I'm sure all two of my blog visitors are wondering where I am, so I thought I'd at least let you know I'm alive. Not well, though. I am fighting the vilest virus I've ever come across! It's a huge sinus infection that's invaded my eyes so they look like they're melting. This thing is just nasty! It all started on Sunday when I was out on a garden walk in the hot sun.

So - I do have more interesting and fun things to post, but it won't be for a few days I'm afraid. My head has to stop spinning, and my ear has to stop buzzing first! Right now it's hard for me to tell which end is up...

More coming later, I promise!


Newt said...

Glad to hear your are still there. And sucks on the cold. Nothing like a sucky life melting cold to make one appreciate healthy days.
Well, I look forward to your return to health and blogging.

With hugs and wishes of deep breaths and non-watery eyes, from one of your two readers :-)

Heather Simpson-Bluhm said...

Oh I am sure you have more than 2 readers.. but at least one of them is on vacation. LOL

Heather Simpson-Bluhm said...

Sassy, come back....

Tink said...

I'm glad to hear you're not avoiding us. Sorry to hear you were gone because you were sick and not off having a spontaneous vacation.